Top 3 Free Marketing Research Tools for Web Entrepreneurs
It’s no secret that buying, selling and developing websites as a side-hustle or a full-blown entrepreneurship can line your pockets with profits.
Why You Need Marketing Research Tools
However, if you wish to get ahead in this competitive field, you must familiarize yourself with all of the free research tools available online.
Once you begin to get a grasp on these free tools, you will likely start to see more visitors show up at your website. Once website traffic begins to pick up, you can begin to justify a higher asking price should you ever decide to sell the website in the future.
Google Analytics
If you’re looking for a tool that gives you an in-depth analysis of your website’s visitors, Google Analytics will become your new best friend.
Google Analytics specifically answers the who, what, where, when, why and how regarding your website’s new and returning visitors.
You can even watch your website’s traffic in real time using Google Analytics.
The popular platform gives entrepreneurs detailed information such as length of visit, bounce rate, referring pages and analytics regarding the keywords your visitors are using to find you in search engine result pages. Best of all, if you already have a Google or Gmail account, you can begin using Google Analytics without having to sign up for any additional accounts.
Link: Google Analytics
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “This would be so much easier if I knew what made my competition so successful,” you certainly are not alone!
SEMRush provides you with data that enables you to see what your competition is doing in terms of marketing.
SEMRush provides detailed data on your competition such as their search engine placements, their pay per click campaigns and SEMRush’s detailed analysis regarding your competition’s backlinks.
You can use this data to either mimic your competition or you could even formulate a strategy that derails your competition’s core objectives. SEMRush mentions that it’s free to register but many of the advanced features require a monthly fee, which can cost between $60 and $150 per month.
If you’re an established website entrepreneur with a growing network of websites, this monthly fee can pay for itself over and over each month.
Link: SEMRush
Social media is an integral part of operating a website.
The term Web 2.0 was birthed from the rise of social media because social media is a game changer.
Without an effective social media campaign, you’re potentially missing out on sales, new visitors or even mainstream media attention. Let’s face it, it’s not easy to keep up with your own social media campaigns. If you’re a one person operation, launching your social media campaign can be a job in itself.
Hootsuite aims to simplify the process of launching a social media campaign. Hootsuite gives you the research tools to manage the most popular social media platforms all from one dashboard.
Hootsuite allows you to schedule postings, gather analytics and collaborate with other members of your team. It’s so powerful that you can setup a node to monitor your competition’s social media campaigns.
When you know what your competition is doing on social media, you can launch your own campaign as a response in order to gain additional market share within your niche.
Hootsuite, like SEMRush, operates on the freemium model. You can sign up for the free tier but as you accumulate more web properties, you can upgrade your membership to unlock additional features and functionality which will ultimately bring additional value to your websites.
Link: Hootsuite