Strategies for Formulating Ideas for a Niche Website
One of the biggest road blocks that web entrepreneurs face is the dilemma of coming up with niche topics for their up and coming niche website.
Identifying a category that has a weak search engine presence and becoming an authority on that specific topic or product lineup is an effective method of building up value for your new website.
When you begin buying, selling and developing niche websites in efforts to generate passive income, you may want to employ some of our helpful tips that are designed to jump start your endeavors.
Formulating An Idea for Your Niche Website
It may seem as if all the good niches are taken. That line of thinking is completely wrong!
Niches emerge each and every day and your job is to stay on top of this research so you are in a position to capitalize when the time arrives. Many web entrepreneurs routinely check Google Trends for data on niches that they believe are trending upwards.
Another effective method of doing research is to setup a Google News Alert on a niche that you think could be trending. When a specific industry or topic begins to get a lot of news coverage, your website could gain instant popularity.
Be Clever, Remain Observant and Do Your Research
Your brain is the biggest asset you possess in your search for profitable website niches.
If you’re seeking out niches that aren’t generating the results you desire, it’s possible that you need to employ a bit of creativity in your website’s overall strategy in order to gain readership.
Let’s look at a real niche opportunity that some entrepreneurs have recently capitalized on.
It’s no secret that Halloween is the one time of year that costumes fly off of store shelves. Many costume wearers use Halloween as way to come up with an ironic, funny costume theme that highlights a recent news headline.
Unfortunately, news cycles tend to discuss the bad news more so than the good news and recent news headlines highlighted the heightened sense of awareness that the global community has in regards to viruses and transmittable illnesses.
You might think to yourself, what does Halloween and these recent events have to do with one another?
An astute observer could deduce that a hazmat suit could possibly become a popular Halloween costume. If you take this hunch to Google Trends, you start to see validation in this idea.
In October 2013, the term Hazmat Suits Halloween received a Google Trends ranking of 60 while Hazmat Suits Halloween in October 2014 received a trends ranking of 100.
Performing the Google Trends search with just the term Hazmat Suit provided an enormous spike in interest beginning in late September 2014 and persisting through October versus prior interest in the search term.
Using your brain to formulate a strategy to find niches based on your research is important but actually engaging your readership is the other side of the coin that you must master.
Targeting Your Audience
Get inside the mind of someone who is passionate about the niche you are creating.
In the mentioned example above, if you were targeting a costume niche, you might want to write content that shows readers how to make their own costumes.
You could then monetize your website by offering up Amazon advertisements on the products needed for the DIY costume. In this specific example, you could offer up different types of head wear, surgical masks or goggles.
You could provide comprehensive reviews on the top costumes in your specific niche as well as the latest trends, accessories and even pictures of people wearing the specific costume out in public.
Giving your readers quality information that can easily shared throughout social media will keep your visitor acquisition costs down while increasing the value of your site as more readers begin viewing your website as an authority that provides fresh content on your specific niche.