7 Amazing Ways to Optimize Organic Search Traffic
Which website will have people falling over themselves to buy it? The one sat on page 7 of the search engine results page (SERP) or the one sitting at the top of page 1? We all know the answer to that, but how do you achieve such a lucrative result? One of the best ways is to look at your search campaigns and understand how you can optimize Organic Search Traffic. To get you started I’m going to go through 7 simple, but powerful ways to make you into an organic search pro!
1. Use Interlinks to Help Index Your Site
You want to keep search engine spiders crawling your site for as long as possible, so make sure they’re kept busy with interlinks. These links direct viewers to related content on your website, for example, I may want you to also check out my feature on the future of SEO to understand where organic search traffic is going. Search engine spiders will devour these interlinks as if they were juicy flies; as a result more of your site is indexed and Google finds out just how amazing it is!
2. Your Site Is More Than Just a Showroom
If you’re selling products online, don’t fall into the trap of thinking they’ll advertise your site alone. You still need an in-depth content strategy to stand a fighting chance in the SERP. A great way to get started is with simple reviews of new products packed full of relevant keywords which will draw in traffic. Google’s Hummingbird algorithm is clever enough to cotton on to this and will reward you for being such a master!
3. Keep Site Updated Regularly
Google wants to provide its users with the most relevant content there is, so make sure your website doesn’t have time to collect dust. This may seem difficult if, say, you run a website where change is difficult to implement e.g. a website about biceps exercises, as fitness fanatics have exhausted the amount of exercises possible. However, a quick bit of HTML wizardry and you could have a blog all about how you implement these exercises and your progress. This is much more attractive than a website containing the phrase “Last Updated June 2007”.
4. Make Your Call to Action Loud and Clear!
There’s nothing worse than discovering you’ve got a high bounce rate as it highlights a lack of engagement. Google doesn’t want to promote these sites as it reflects badly on their service. A great way to reduce your bounce rate and satisfy Google’s demanding needs is by implementing a call to action (CTA) that visitors can’t resist. Asking you audience to click on a CTA ensures they get a page deeper into your site and Google gives you the nod of approval.
5. Harness the Power of ALT Tags
Perhaps you think that images are just a neat way of breaking up lines of text on your site. Well, think again as they’re powerful tools in the organic search world. Imagine you’ve got a website all about first aid and one page features a set of pictures on how to make a sling. Visitors to your site will understand exactly what’s going on, but search spiders only feed on text. However, a quick bit of HTML code can help you ALT tag the image and open the spider’s eyes e.g. <img src=”tying-sling.png” alt=”Tying a sling”/>.
6. Quality – Not Quantity – Links
External links to your site help indicate just how attractive a website you have, but it’s an area where you have to be careful. A spammy campaign which leaves your URL plastered all over unrelated sites and forums will be penalized by Google’s sophisticated algorithms. Instead, concentrate on building relationships with affiliates who are genuinely enthused about your site and know their readers will be too. One other reader won’t be able to hold back from promoting you as a result: Google!
7. Perfect Your Title Tags
An often overlooked area of organic search is the humble title tag, but it’s exceptionally important and needs to be finely tuned. It’s the first thing that people will see in the SERP and it MUST whet their appetite. Make this title as alluring as possible and ensure it uses keywords that users are likely to be searching for. Finally, Google will usually display up to 60 characters of a title in the SERP, so stick to this or you’ll look like a crummy, unprofessional site!
Final Thoughts
These 7 tips are a great way to get started with your rise up the SERP. All you need to implement them is a bit of time and effort, so what are you waiting for? Before you know it you’ll have offers flooding in to buy your website that you didn’t know were possible!
December 4, 2014 at 12:41 amNice tips, nothing new here but it is very important to always remind people about what important in search engine optimization. you have a great blog
Matt Preuss
December 4, 2014 at 8:28 amThanks for reading!